The biggest thing people forget about an adventure is that the start can be scary. There is a change—a trial, a challenge, something that creates turmoil. People, myself included, don’t like trials and challenges. We yearn for equilibrium. That makes change scary, terrifying, and often avoided. But when we avoid change, we miss the adventure.
This blog starts, and this post comes amidst the start of my new adventure and my changes. I have spent the last five and a half years as an active member of a CrossFit gym. I found a community there, and I embraced it. But in the last six months, I realized it wasn’t the right fit anymore. Something I had changed. Admitting that was a struggle. I loved this. Did I really want to leave it? What was I looking for? What was the adventure I thought would be waiting for me if I moved on?

What I remembered was that the reason that I started doing CrossFit (specifically) was because I love to lift weights. CrossFit did a lot of that, and it seemed perfect. My new goal became finding a way to do more of the part I loved, ideally in a way that didn’t add to the stress of my Small Humans and maybe even made their lives easier. So, I took the plunge. I contacted an Olympic lifting coach, made a plan, and started preparing for my change, my adventure.
Here is where the fun starts. You need stuff to successfully work out in your garage, especially if you will be lifting weights. Then, you need to assemble a space and have another plan. Because, well, I like parking in my garage, and I wasn’t planning to give that up, but now I was sharing space with my own passions. (If you stick around, I’ll do a whole post on what the process of putting all these things together as been!)
What does all this mean for my adventure? What does it mean for you, as my fellow Adventurers? It means that we are just getting started. In the tradition of resolutions and new starts with a new year, we are starting on a new adventure to rediscover what brings us joy and passion. What fills us with hope and energy and gets us excited about life.
Are you ready to travel down this road with me?
Let’s head back home!